
Stephanie VanSlyke

I am Irish. I always feel like this explains my love for the Red Sox. In Texas it doesn't.I am no prolific writer but I will tell you this, everything I know about true love, I learned from the Red Sox. I learned what its like to believe in something and it break your heart, nay, not even acknowledge that you loved it so much in the first place. I learned that in life sometimes you strike out, and sometimes you take a chance and steal home. I learned devotion and loyalty and not giving up because there are a few bad stretches. I also learned that I was not alone in this love affair. All Boston fans are like me. Boston fans are the best of the best. We are the ones that you bring up certain names and we are pounding tables and tearing up like a bunch of overgrown first graders. But this, is true love. So while I live in Texas, and my eyes may never gaze at Fenway Park (oh man they better at some point!) I am a Red Sox fan.

Top 5 Future Job Prospects For Mr. Valentine. (Because I Care)

Stephanie VanSlyke

Your Orioles & Red Sox Recap with Stephanie

Stephanie VanSlyke

I Love it When You Call Me Big Papi

Stephanie VanSlyke

Umpires, Robots, and Cleverbot

Stephanie VanSlyke

My Bloody Valentine

Stephanie VanSlyke

A confession…I am to blame.

Stephanie VanSlyke

Luke Scott’s bright future as a garbage man.

Stephanie VanSlyke

A little encouragement for Red Sox Nation

Stephanie VanSlyke

Monday night PBS special “Inside Fenway Park: An Icon At 100” Watch it, be proud.

Stephanie VanSlyke

This Will Be a Big One!

Stephanie VanSlyke

Luke Scott, village idiot.

Stephanie VanSlyke

Counting down the days till Spring Training with Cleverbot

Stephanie VanSlyke

“Oil Can” has no regrets

Stephanie VanSlyke

Cleverbots onto something with Edwin Jackson

Stephanie VanSlyke

Roy Oswalt…sketchy

Stephanie VanSlyke

Ten Acts of Kindness

Stephanie VanSlyke