Cleverbots onto something with Edwin Jackson

Edwin Jackson and the Red Sox, I love this dance. And it most definitely is a dance. Two steps forward one step back. Spin, change direction. Maybe it’s more like the chicken dance? Some chirping (discussions) some wings flapping, (someone chickening out or parading their awesomeness) booty wiggle (well…you know) and the clapping (because everyone is happy!).

That being said, let’s talk about Edwin Jackson and the Red Sox.
Between rumors with Oswalt and Floyd and Jackson the last couple of weeks I am a little confused myself. I mean, just as confused as everyone else is about the pitching situation. So what does my brilliant mind decide is the best solution? Let’s ask clever bot. ( I ask clever bot everything that I cannot make sense out of) It went like this:

Me: Will Edwin Jackson pitch for the Red Sox?

Cleverbot: If you give that person a call, I think so.

Me: Is he worth 6 million or more to pitch for one year?

Cleverbot: I think that some things could be immortal, but I don’t know. I don’t know any of this stuff really.

Me: I think its Red Sox year for that World Series.

Cleverbot: Then they can’t be in Hell. You were at the conference?

Me: Ok. Will Edwin Jackson make a better Oriole than Red Sox.

Cleverbot: I don’t know, you’re the mean one.

Cleverbot was not very helpful as you can see. Edwin Jackson, Red Sox offer him a one year deal between five and six million and that is cheap? Is it really believed that we blew our shot at him? Red Sox fans ask yourself, would you rather be an Oriole than a Red Sox. Granted, a two year deal is safer and we all know some fantastic pitchers will be free agent next year so Jackson will be contending with them if only given a one year deal, but how is going to the Orioles progressing your career? What are the chances of getting at least halfway through the play offs with the Orioles? I tell you, wearing a Red Sox uniform is an honor.

If Jackson does not want to pitch for a legacy team, well…his season will probably be fairly short anyway. I am hoping however, that he will realize, the Red Sox aren’t just offering five million, the Red Sox offer a lifestyle. Red Sox fans are the best in the country. Fenway offers sold out stadiums, a history, a new beginning and a celebration of the past. Edwin Jackson lost to us, no way. I say to you, all of you, Red Sox are on the table still. And I believe Edwin Jackson is a smart man. His agent may not be, but Jackson is. Maybe Cleverbot is right, all he needs is a call, and some things can be immortal.

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