Much debate was made over the compensation that the Red Sox received from the Chicago Cu..."/> Much debate was made over the compensation that the Red Sox received from the Chicago Cu..."/>

Poll Results: Theo Wins Round One


Much debate was made over the compensation that the Red Sox received from the Chicago Cubs for former GM and boy wonder, Theo Epstein. Multiple discussions were had and the consistent consensus was that the Red Sox, namely Ben Cherington, did not get enough back for Esptein departing for Chicago and the friendly confines of Wrigley Field.

We polled the readers of BSI to find out if you agree with what the general accord was and as always, our readers were right on par.

A total of 112 votes were cast and 87 of them (78%) felt that the Red Sox did not get enough compensation for Theo in the form of Chris Carpenter.  Of course there is still the player to be named later but that will likely be a single A player who is at best a few years away from maturing into a big leaguer.

So there it is.  Round one goes to Theo in what should be an interesting battle for years to come between the prodigy and the master, Theo versus Ben.  Now all we have to do is hurry up and wait for the next deal that will take part between the two.  Matt Garza anyone?

As always, thanks for reading and thanks for taking part in our polls.  We greatly appreciate the support.

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