And the Dice-K Saga Continues…

This off-season I fooled myself into thinking that Dice-K was past his hidden injury issues and communications problems with the Red Sox and the Boston media. I was wholly convinced that we would all see a determined and re-inspired pitcher who had something to prove in 2010. As soon as I was completely on board with the Japanese righty, the door is slammed back in my face. I can’t believe I once again fell into the trap of optimism with the $100 million man.

Less than 12 hours after the first Dice-K siting in Fort Myers, the 2010 saga begins once again. After refusing to speak to the American media, which is par for the course, Dice-K spoke to some members of the Japanese and revealed an injury. According to and translations by Kyodo News, Dice-K has been experiencing back tightness that has forced him to miss a throwing session last week and today. Are you kidding me?

The Dice-K soap opera gets more and more ridiculous every time you turn around. After blaming the Red Sox training program and staff for his injuries last season, Dice-K walks into Spring Training already in pain. A normal athlete would rest and be fine in a few days or weeks, but knowing the patterns with this fragile Japanese ‘superstar’, this injury will linger for well longer than it should. Dice-K has officially earned a spot in the J.D. Drew ‘I can’t play on a regular basis because I have a laundry list of issues and injuries’ club.

I know  that Spring Training has barely begun and there is a long season ahead of us, but I am officially renouncing my membership to the Dice-K fan club. All he needed to do in order to put his tumultuous 2009 season behind him was to walk into Fort Myers healthy and ready to go and even that was too much for him to handle.

This Japanese prima donna has lost my support and is losing support from other members of Red Sox nation. There is only one way at this point to regain support and that is to win big and win often. Dice-K certainly has the ability to win 15+ games if he can stay healthy, but that is a huge ‘if’. Today was an inauspicious beginning to what could be a long season for Dice-K.

The Red Sox starting pitching depth is looking better and better every moment. Wakefield may get his wish and be a regular starter after all.