The Boston Red Sox have had their list of memorable players, and some not so memorable. The following are four players whose names will bring back good and bad memories.
Where are they now? The usual focus is on the star players once they retire as they are generally involved in baseball, entertainment, business, charitable, and other endeavors. David Ortiz is never really out of the picture nor are the ancient ones such as Carl Yastrzemski or Dwight Evans.
The Red Sox often have promotions centered around a returning star who will be planted in a skybox for the adoring masses or at least those who can afford to take part in a meet and greet with spiffy photos. Fred Lynn and Carlton Fisk seem to be regulars, but what about some other less notable players?
Today I will offer up a selection on a chosen few with a profile of their careers with the Red Sox and in baseball. The most difficult part even in this age of Google is to discover information on just what has happened when the ball and bat days have ended. Most will form the statistical summaries of their days in “The Show” with an occasional personal memory.