An inauspicious start to the postseason for the Red Sox to say the least, as they fall 8-2 in Houston. Here’s what we learned.

So, that wasn’t a great start to the American League Division Series. We still have hope heading into Game 2, right? Guys? Where are you going? Anyway, the Boston Red Sox postseason got off to disastrous start from the get go today.
Between Chris Sale‘s brutal October debut, Eduardo Nunez re-injuring his knee, John Farrell‘s mismanagement, and the Red Sox base running, pretty much everything went wrong.
But we still have tomorrow! Game 2 will see Drew Pomeranz (17-6, 3.32 ERA) go against Houston’s lefty Dallas Keuchel (14-5, 2.90 ERA). If it makes you feel better though, the Red Sox slashed .249/.327/.390 against left handed starters this year. What do you mean that didn’t help?Here’s to being optimistic though! *raises very tall glass of alcohol*
Back to Game 1, from the first inning on you could tell this game was headed in a less than ideal direction. Which brings us to our first takeaway….