This is the second in our weekly series of Power Rankings. The Red Sox third baseman is near the bottom of this ranking, but how does the rest of the division fare in this comparison?

2015 was not a good year for the starting Red Sox third baseman Pablo Sandoval who struggled on both sides of the ball. His enormous $95 million deal seemed to be one of the things that pushed Ben Cherington out of the General Manager spot as Sandoval struggled in his first season in Boston. More detail will be offered on the individual pages, but is he worse than the Yankees’ third baseman Chase Headley? How do the other three spots shake out? This is one of the strongest positions in the division so Sandoval would have been hard pressed to make the top of this list in his best season, but let’s take a look on how we should rank these guys going into 2016.
Next: Josh Donaldson