Red Sox Reporter Resigns, Reason May Involve Farrell
Boston Red Sox reporter Jessica Moran resigned on Friday, with a relationship to manager John Farrell being a possible reason.
Mark Shanahan of The Boston Globe covered the story: “Jessica Moran, a reporter for Comcast SportsNet who covers the Red Sox, resigned from the network Friday amid questions about the nature of her relationship with the team’s manager, John Farrell.” Moran texted the Globe, stating, “I have stepped away from Comcast SportsNet as I thought it was in my best personal and professional interest to do so […] They have been extremely supportive during my tenure at the network — and with this decision — and I am very appreciative of that.”
Farrell declined to comment on questions regarding the nature of his relationship with Moran.
Shanahan further added that Farrell did say that he and his wife Sue are getting a divorce after 30 years of marriage: “‘I can confirm that we’re in the process of getting a divorce,’ Farrell said in a phone call from Fort Myers. ‘As you can understand, this is a tough time for my family.’”
The news made a couple of previous events make more sense. Shanahan mentioned that Sue “was not with her husband last August when he announced he had been diagnosed with stage 1 lymphoma. John Farrell was accompanied to his first chemotherapy treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital by Terry Francona, the former Red Sox manager.”
This touchy subject, while being very personal to the Farrell family and the Morans, is an important factor in the start to the Red Sox 2016 season, a factor worth noting.
Speaking for myself, one should not spend time judging others on how they live their personal lives. The Morans and the Farrells are the only ones who should get to argue any points on the matter between them. Even if any ‘dirty laundry’ was to leak out by the media or confessed by any of the parties involved, those facts are the thoughts and emotions that are none of our business. Maybe Moran’s resignation and the troubles between the Farrells have nothing to do with each other. Maybe the two events have everything to do with each other. Regardless, John and Sue are proceeding with where their emotions are taking them, not us, and we should all respect their privacy.
However, to say that this news will not be a major distraction to the team is premature, at this point.
In my article, two weeks ago, I wrote how Farrell needs a family, not a team. “If they really see him as an important member of the Red Sox family, they will need to fight for him like they would fight for their own fathers and mothers, with determination and a sense of urgency.” Little did I know how much that sentiment would now be required for this team to succeed.
Let’s take for granted that the media will ask many questions, asking everyone in the Red Sox organization, especially Farrell himself, about what they know about any incidents leading up to the Moran resignation. Let’s take for granted that John and his soon-to-be ex-wife will be emotionally rocked before, during, and after their legal proceedings, especially when concerning their three children and how they will be affected. The man at the helm of this team will have his world turned upside down just before he attempts to resurrect the hopes and dreams of Red Sox Nation, after landing in last place in the American League East, arguably one of the most scrutinized divisions in professional sports.
Whether John Farrell did anything wrong or not, or if anything even happened between himself and Moran, the consequences of the optics could be a major problem for the Red Sox. Each time that the players warm up, do media scrums, or even go their separate ways between games, they may have a microphone in their faces or notes taken about anything they may say, mention, or allude about the matter. Every decision Farrell makes will have more critics who frown upon infidelity, even if it is only speculation. Not that speculation has ever stopped humanity from judging others before. Now, instead of just baseball writers following him, Farrell will have other media tabloids such as TMZ possibly hanging on his every word, as well.
In a season where the Red Sox need to have a quick start to secure Farrell’s place as manager, there will be more pressure than ever on him and the players to succeed. In Boston, a baseball manager is expected to have eyes on him all of the time; they just don’t expect to have eyes of the divorce-lawyer variety. His children, both on and off of the field, may have their lives thrown into turmoil, but the ones who play for the Boston Red Sox will need to step up to take some of that pressure off of him.