Red Sox manager John Farrell discusses Hanley Ramirez and Pablo Sandoval offseason plans.
More than a year after the Red Sox committed $183 million to Pablo Sandoval and Hanley Ramirez, fans and media are still doubting their abilities to be healthy next season and have a bounce-back year. However, during the annual Boston Writers Dinner, John Farrell mentioned that Sandoval hast lost between 20 and 22 pounds and Ramirez will report to Fort Myers with pitchers and catchers on February 18th.
The Red Sox asked Ramirez to lose 15-20 pounds this offseason so that he could be in a more athletic figure for his new position, first base. Even though the exact number hasn’t been reported, it is well-known that the team also asked Sandoval to lose some weight.
Farrell: Hanley will report to Ft. Myers w pitchers and catchers & Sandoval has lost 20-22 pounds.
— Michael Silverman (@MikeSilvermanBB) January 21, 2016
“Physically they look great. There were clear markers set out before the season was over, right at the end of the season, on what the offseason goals were going to be,” Farrell said earlier today. “Playing weight was one of them. Both guys look to be at that target.”
Similar to Ramirez this year, Sandoval reported early last Spring Training. Photos not so flattering about the third baseman were posted on Twitter, where he looked even worse than the previous year.
Safe to say Pablo Sandoval didn't miss too many meals this offseason [cough] #redsox #worst2firstround2
— Steve Silva (@stevesilva) February 17, 2015
If healthy and fit, Sandoval and Ramirez are key pieces to the Red Sox offense. No one is expecting Ramirez to be a Gold Glover at first base, but if the new first baseman turns out to be a healthy slugger like he was last April, a few errors every now and then won’t matter that much.
“In both cases they’re eager to redeem years which were down for them,” Farrell said. “They would both acknowledge they didn’t perform to their own expectations and quite frankly, being in the middle of our order, we need them to perform to their capabilities.”