Baseball Takes Back Seat In Difficult Time For Red Sox’ Robbie Ross

The game of baseball, for most of us, takes precedence over most other things in our lives. We probably take it for granted sometimes as well, knowing there will be a big game tonight, a pitcher’s duel next week or a playoff chase in late September. Baseball for us is like medicine. We all need it to survive.

And when baseball takes a back seat because of a tragic happening, we all get scared. We all remember when the world seemed to stop during the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001. But then we all remember the Yankees winning the pennant that year, and the image of Mets’ catcher Mike Piazza going deep to give the Mets a 3-2 lead in the 8th inning against Atlanta in the first game after the attacks, bringing the crowd to their feet and allowing the city to begin the recovery process is stamped in our heads forever.

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More recently there was the Boston Marathon finish line bombing on April 15th, 2013. The Red Sox had just won in walk-off fashion and most of the fans (the team was heading to Cleveland), were heading down to the finish line when two explosions happened. The earth had stopped spinning and it seemed as if no one knew what to do. When the Sox finally took the field at Fenway again the fans went nuts for David Ortiz‘ pregame speech, as well as Daniel Nava‘s homerun to give the Red Sox the lead, and eventually beat the Kansas City Royals. That home run was the start of an improbable World Series title. Then when Jonny Gomes and Jarrod Saltalamacchia placed the championship trophies on the finish line with jerseys that read “617 Boston Strong” the fans knew that this team knew what they went through.

These, among many others, are prime examples of how baseball can take a back seat to real live at any time.

A difficult season for the Red Sox, as well as Robbie Ross Jr., just got even more difficult as he and his wife Brittany have to endure one of the greatest heartaches a family will ever go through. On Friday, the two announced over Facebook, that they had suffered a miscarriage.

“On August 18th, I started showing signs of a miscarriage. That night I went to the hospital to make sure everything was okay.Robbie and I held hands as we held our breath and silently prayed (more like silently begged)to God that everything would be okay.My eyes skipped back and forth from the Robbie’s face to the doctors as they frantically looked for a heartbeat.No heartbeat was found. The worst was yet to come.I was given my options and released from the hospital.Before I even sat down in the wheel chair the contractions began to start.The physical pain of labor and the emotional pain of knowing I would go through all of this to have no baby to hold in the end was devastating.”

The rest of the quote can be found here.

“And to our Red Sox family, the love you’ve extended has touched our hearts more than you will ever know.”

The two then took to twitter after receiving many well wishes and prayers from family, friends and Red Sox Nation.

These two brave souls showed how strong one must be to overcome an event as tragic as this one. They showed that even in the darkest of times, you can find a light at then end of the tunnel.

Robbie and Brittany have displayed the showings of true champions and true warriors. For this, they should be admired. So for at least today, baseball takes the backseat in many of the lives in the Red Sox clubhouse, especially Robbie Ross. We wish them well and send them our good thoughts.

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