Rick’s Hall of Fame Selections

This will be the first of a daily series as staff at BSI make their Hall of Fame selections. Look for a new addition each day. Same time and same web site.

My selections I am sure show that someone besides baseball writers can get it right or wrong depending on point of view. I have two sections and the first is the Red Sox contingent of players linked – even remotely – to the Boston Red Sox.

I will include Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens on my list when Nixon is added to Mt. Rushmore and North Korea becomes our 51st state.

The Red Sox contingent.

1. Pedro Martinez: The numbers are off the charts when compared to league average and pitching in a PED enhanced environment with a designated hitter. Every start at Fenway took on the pomp and ceremony of a home-coming college football game. I’ve seen a lot of pitchers in my lifetime such as Warren Spahn, Bob Gibson, Sandy Koufax and Greg Maddux and Pedro was the best.

2. Curt Schilling: A grandiose self-promoter, failed entrepreneur and political commentator who was an élite big game and small game pitcher. The bloody sock is enough to get him in. What I remember is that great car commercial where he is hitching a ride to Boston to “Bring them a World Series.” Maybe I should add psychic to the list?

3. Jeff Bagwell: The one that got away. A former ROY, MVP and multiple time All-Star. A consistent near .300 (.297) life time average with power and run production.

4. John Smoltz: Will he be punished for not enough starts and not enough saves?

5. Carlos Delgado: The all-time Puerto Rican leader in home runs with 473 and RBI with 1,512. Ten straight seasons of 30+ home runs. Holds a multitude of Toronto records. A solid citizen during and after his career.

The non-Red Sox litter.

6. Randy Johnson: Took him a few seasons to get it together but when he did Johnson was élite. Over 300 wins, off the charts strike out totals and five Cy Young Awards.

7. Alan Trammell: Excellent glove work and a steady offensive force at the key shortstop position. He should be going in with Lou Whitaker especially if the likes of Joe Tinker and Johnny Evers are in the HOF.

8. Craig Biggio: You stay around long enough you can pad the numbers. Carl Yastrzemski did it and so did Biggio, but those numbers were impressive. Over 3,000 hits gets attention along with some Gold Glove defense and toss in some impressive gap power with a career 668 doubles.

9. Edgar Martinez: If a punter and place kicker can be in the football HOF a DH can be in the baseball HOF. Time to set the groundwork for David Ortiz.

10. Fred McGriff: Very similar to Delgado. Led AL one season in home runs and led NL in another season. .334 lifetime against Red Sox.