Sox Drawer: Red Sox daily links for Tuesday, August 12th

The “Sox Drawer” runs Tuesdays and Thursdays on BoSox Injection. We compile material about the team from all corners of the Internet, as well as some general baseball-related links. If you have suggestions, hit us up on Twitter @BoSoxInjection.

Eric Wilbur takes us back 20 years, to the date(!) of the 1994 baseball strike. Bud Selig rides off into the sunset tooting his horn about “labor peace,” but he and Don Fehr will forever be linked to this debacle.

As unofficial president of the Daniel Nava Fan Club, it’s alarming to hear buzz about him going elsewhere. Might not be the Royals or Tigers, but they’re among the teams sure to be interested.

In case you missed Will Ossoff comparing the Red Sox to Game of Thrones, here you go.

For those quizzical about the Cubs’ employment of Manny RamirezGordon Wittenmyer of the Chicago Sun-Times reports the team’s prospects are thriving under his tutelage.

Felix Hernandez is having a heck of a year. Bill Chuck clues us in to “ultra-quality starts” and how this is shaping up as a season for the ages.

Rest in peace, Robin Williams. You watched Game 6 of the ’75 World Series from a bar stool because you had to see about a girl.