Revere The Beard. Canada Weighs In.

Dean Dockerill from Alberta, Canada has some serious pre winter growth going

On the cusp of the playoffs comes yet another rockin’ revere the beard candidate from Red Sox Nation, this time from Dean Dockerill of Alberta, Canada who proclaimed, “Go Sox go!” If Dean isn’t from New England he sure sounds like it. “Got me some wicked nice face fuzz on the go in preparation for the long, cold winter ahead.” What do we say at BSI? “Go Dean go!”

Dean joins our illustrious bearded gang:
– Jeannie Chanthanasinh, our first whiskerina, and her boyfriend Todd who both hail from Lowell, MA.
– Gary W. Norman, from Titusville, FL
Bert Mayer, founding member and President of the Boston Beard Bureau from Boston, MA
Brian Roy of Waltham, MA

Before Boston took it to a new level, Fox Sports did a special on 15 great facial hair aficionados in 2011 here.

Our friends at The Bleacher Report bested Fox’s effort in 2012 by doing the 25 best AND worst beards and mustaches here.

Not to be outdone, Sports Illustrated ran their own piece, Facial Hair Hall of Fame, that spanned multiple sports and frankly looks to be the best of breed.

I have not seen any facial hair pictures from my writers at BSI although I won’t need one from Earl Nash since he’s been representing long before it became fashionable in Boston. I’ve got about a week’s worth of goatee going and will eventually publish when it’s ready for prime time, which just mat be never.
