Besides both parties benefitting with the trading of Sox for  Besides both parties benefitting with the trading of Sox for

Kevin Youkilis Back at Fenway: Return of the Snitch?


 Besides both parties benefitting with the trading of Sox for Kevin Youkilis, it is becoming more apparent that Youk was the supposed snitch inside the Red Sox club house.  The snitch that leaked the whole chicken and beer fiasco about Josh Beckett and his merry group of men.

Is Youk the culprit that Josh Beckett was snarling about in spring training?  Saying that the “Rat” was still here and it is making for an uncomfortable club house?   The original conspiracy theory was the so called snitch was Marco Scutaro or Jason Varitek.  But, signs this week have been pointing Youkilis way. 

Don’t get me wrong, what was so wrong about a teammate being appalled by  Beckett and crew’s behavior?  It was the starting pitching that rolled over last September.    Youkilis always seemed like he wanted to win.  But, was that his demise.  When Bobby Valentine called him out earlier, saying that “he wasn’t physically or emotionally dedicated as he used to be” was his being treated like an out cast the reason.  This all does seem to make sense.

And tonight he returns.  Always a fan favorite, expect Youkilis to get a warm welcoming from the Fenway faithful.  The change has been good for Youk.  He looks driven and inspired again and has his will and grit to win.  But, will there be any drama in his return?  If Youk really was the snitch, he is probably lucky that Beckett won’t be facing him.  He will probably go unscathed against Aaron Cook tonight, since Cook wasn’t part of the team last September.  The real test will be facing Jon Lester tomorrow night.  As one of Beckett’s lackeys, rest assured if Beckett told Lester to drill Youk for the “Team,” then expect Youk to hear a little chin music tomorrow night.  That is if Lester can make it out of the third inning and that is always a big “if.”

Right now Youk is having the last laugh.  He is playing well again and his team is in first place.  Regrets? Maybe a few but it looks to me like Youkilis has moved forward in his life and good luck to him for that.  The Red Sox have also moved on with rookie sensation, Will Middlebrooks fitting in nicely.

The Red Sox could have avoided this entire situation if they had only traded Youkilis and Beckett in the offseason.  Killing two birds with one stone would have been the right at the right time for both.