When the Red Sox signed When the Red Sox signed

Thank You New York for Millwood & Aceves


When the Red Sox signed Kevin Millwood to minor league contract they had their starting rotation set.  The problem was Daisuke Matsuzaka and John Lackey were both under performing.  The Millwood signing was a precautionary signing with his future with the  Red Sox uncertain. 

Then Dice-K and Lackey both went on the DL and now with the latest news that Dice-K is done for this year and most of next, it appears to have opened the door for Millwood.

The 14 year veteran who is currently in Pawtucket, made his AAA debut on Wednesday night going 2.2 innings giving up 4 runs while throwing 61 pitches – 36 for strikes.

While he’s a few more starts away from even getting a shot at the big club, if Millwood can regain his command and endurance, it won’t be long before he gets that call.

What makes this story much more interesting is the fact that the New York Yankees had signed Millwood to a minor league deal in March, only to have Millwood opt out on May 1 when a call-up to the Yankees was not imminent.  Think of the story that could unfold if Millwood could make it to the Red Sox and get a start against New York?

Millwood isn’t  the only pitcher that the Red Sox have claimed due to the Yankees giving up on them too early.  Spot starter and relief pitcher Alfredo Aceves is another one.  Aceves was not resigned by New York last year despite a three year term in the Bronx where he went 14-1 with an ERA just over 3.00.  Aceves has fit in nice for Boston and has accepted any role he’s been asked to fill. 

I understand the Millwood situation is a lot of “what ifs” and much speculation about him and whether or not he will even make it to the Major.  But in the event he does, I want to be the first to say thank-you New York for giving us both Kevin Millwood and Alredo Aceves.  Should they get into a game against the Yankees all I can say is “bring it on.”

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